5-STAR Fantasy / Sci-Fi

Friday, March 08, 2019

New Indie Book Release: Death’s Strife (Anthony Chesterfield)

New Indie Book Release:
Death’s Strife - Anthony Chesterfield
Historical Fiction (256 Pages - December 2018)

Death’s Strife challenges the reader to look at life and death as fully personified entities in their own right with their own fears, hopes, wants and desires. It forces the reader to obscure those abstract concepts of life and death with reality while taking them on a journey through historical fiction interlaced with familial drama.

About the Book

Death’s Strife (Anthony Chesterfield)
Click to Read an Excerpt
Death’s Strife pits father (Life) against son (Death) for control of Earth’s people and their very existence.

Father and son have been entrenched in a vicious battle for souls since the beginning of time, but neither is able to achieve victory over the other.

Encouraged by the devious Lilith to assume human form and end their eternal vendetta, the two beings travel to Earth with a plan to meet in 1939. Set in Spain at the dawn of the Cuban War of Independence and ending in the middle of the Second World War, the ever-shifting political climate is fertile ground for Death to thrive.

However, this time of upheaval exposes Death as not only a stark being to fear but also a sympathetic creature.

About the Author

Author Anthony Chesterfield
Author Anthony Chesterfield
Anthony Chesterfield is a social worker specializing in end-of-life care.

He considers death to be the greatest unknown for many.

He has worked at venues such as Bellevue Hospital, and Calvary Hospital and appreciates all the patients and their families have taught him.

Anthony Chesterfield lives in New York with his wife and children.

Connect with Anthony Chesterfield via eMail: prizelpeter@gmail.com
and on Facebook

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