Indie Author Interview with Effie Kammenou - Author of the Women’s Fiction / Contemporary Romance Evanthia's Gift .
Effie Kammenou is a first generation Greek-American who lives on Long Island with her husband and two daughters. When she’s not writing, or posting recipes on her food blog,, you can find her cooking for her family and friends.
Interview with Effie Kammenou
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Author Effie Kammenou |
Effie Kammenou: I have a background in theater and studied all the classic playwrights from ancient Greece to modern day, but Shakespeare still holds my heart. As for fiction, I love the classics there as well. Jane Austen and John Steinbeck are my two favorite classic authors. I’ve read Pride and Prejudice and East of Eden countless times. I enjoy women’s fiction and contemporary romances. Nora Roberts, Jude Deveraux, Sophie Kinsilla, Adriana Trigiani, and Sylvia Day are among the novelists I read most often. But the one contemporary author who has captured my attention more than any other is Sylvain Reynard who wrote the Gabriel series. His beautiful use of language is breathtaking, and he keeps me intrigued with his knowledge of literature, religion, art, history, and culture. It’s hard to say which author influences me. I admire many but each one has a style of his own and a unique voice, and it is my hope that readers will see those qualities in my words as well.
When did you first know that you wanted to be a writer?
I don’t think I could pinpoint an exact moment. I know many authors who always knew that writing was their calling. I always knew I wanted to be an actor. It’s what I went to school for, and it was the one thing I’d enjoyed doing more than anything else. Fast-forward forty years later, I never had an acting career, but I’d always found a creative outlet in some form. Somewhere, storytelling was always inside me. I do remember writing a screenplay with a neighborhood friend when I was around twelve. I’d love to see a copy of that now. I’m sure it would be worth a chuckle.
Tell us about your writing process. Do you have a writing routine?
There is no such thing as an average writing day for me. I hold down a job during the day. Fortunately, it’s only part time, and I have two days off during the week in addition to Sundays. Yet, that still seems to interfere with my writing time. I generally do not start writing until after dinner, preferably after everyone has gone to bed. I stay up very late into the night writing. Sometimes until 2 am. If I can, I plant myself in front of the computer for one of my days off for a full day when I have the house to myself. I have the ability to stay focused for hours, and there never seems to be enough time in a day.
"I hired a professional editor [...]"
Evanthia’s Gift is first book. I’ve written articles for magazines and I write a food blog, but this was my first attempt at anything of great length. Ignorance is bliss. My imagination ran free and it ended up on the computer screen. There was no over thinking, or worrying about mechanics or technique. After the entire story was on documented, I went back and perfected and tightened each chapter. I then had beta readers and connected with a critique partner. When I was satisfied, I hired a professional editor and she tightened the manuscript further and made developmental suggestions. Finally, I hired a cover artist and inside formatter.
Oddly enough, I think I was better off when I knew less. I need to stop myself from thinking that what I write down has to be perfect from the start. Even the most seasoned writers revise many times. I need to keep reminding myself of that fact.
Please, describe your desk/workplace.
My desk is relatively neat. I have a Mac desktop that I work on and a few notebooks at my side. To my left is a window overlooking my backyard, which is bare at present. But in the summer the pool shimmers and the garden is colorful.
"Reading them is one thing, writing them is another [...]"
What do you find easiest about writing? What the hardest?
I find the story lines come to me easily. Ideas pop in my head as I’m writing, or many times while daydreaming when I’m doing other tasks. The hardest part for me is writing the more sensual scenes. I love to read them, and I know how I wait for them to finally happen as the buildup and tension rises, so for this reason, I know how important they are. Reading them is one thing, writing them is another—it’s not easy at all.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
I love the self-expression of writing. Maybe it’s the actor in me, but I love giving life to the characters I’ve developed. Each character possesses a tiny piece of me—a thought, an emotion, a characteristic or even a passing mood. I feel very accomplished having written this book. Even if I write ten more, I know this one will always have my heart and soul in it, as it comes from a very deep and personal place.
Effie, please tell us a little about your Women’s Fiction / Romance Novel Evanthia's Gift.
EVANTHIA’S GIFT is a multi-generational love story spanning fifty years and crossing two continents, chronicling the lives that unify two families.
Seeped in Greek heritage, culture and tradition, this novel is a story of love, loss, struggle, perseverance and loyalty.
I wrote the book in two parts. The first part is Anastacia’s story, which spans from the mid 1950’s to the mid 1960’s. In those ten years, this young woman who came from Greece to study in NYC goes through many challenges to find the life she hopes for. The second part jumps to 1970 when her daughter is entering high school. Sophia’s story is two-thirds of the book, and some of the decisions her mother had made and the events of the past have a direct effect on Sophia’s life.
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Click to Read an Excerpt |
What inspired you to write the book?
The inspiration to write this story came from a couple of sources, but it was my mother’s passing that put me on the path to writing.
In 2012 my mother passed away after battling pancreatic cancer for two and a half years. I was trying to be the strong older sister, a compassionate mother and aunt, and a supportive daughter to my grieving father. I never allowed myself to fully express my emotions. One night I sat at the computer and just started writing. It was my way of working through my grief.
I’d heard stories all my life of my mother’s childhood in Athens, and her experiences during WWII as a child. My father had his own stories growing up in NYC, his tales of how his family came to America and for what reason, and his own experiences as a flyer in WWII. I took all those stories and gave life to several characters.
Who do you see as your target audience?
I have a target audience and a niche audience. My target audience is any woman eighteen or older. That being said, mothers have purchased the book at book signings for their sixteen-year-old daughters, but I always warn them that there is some sexual content and they should read it first and decide if it’s appropriate. Aside from those few scenes, young and old relate to the story. It’s been mentioned in reviews, as well as personal messages sent to me, that anyone reading the book will find a character they can identify with.
My niche audience is my Greek audience, and they have been wonderfully supportive. Getting praise from those who have lived many of the experiences in the book has been the biggest compliment.
"[...] the love story, it hits many themes—struggle, resilience, betrayal, loss, joy, loyalty and tradition."
What makes your book special?
Evanthia’s Gift is a book rich with Greek heritage and culture. Beyond that, and the love story, it hits many themes—struggle, resilience, betrayal, loss, joy, loyalty and tradition. Each reader, man or woman, teenager or octogenarian, will find a relatable character in the story.
And one more bonus is the Greek recipes I slipped between some of the chapters to enhance the Greek experience for the non-Greek reader.
How would you describe the success of your self-published books so far?
Evanthia’s Gift is fairly new. It’s only been out since August, and I am a completely unknown author. Considering this, I think the book is doing well. I’m looking forward to seeing where the future of the book leads, and I’m very optimistic.
"I have never met a community of professionals so willing to help each other."
Can you give some advice for other Authors regarding the writing process?
I continue to take all the advice my fellow authors are willing to share with me. But I will say this. I have never met a community of professionals so willing to help each other. Every author I’ve reached out to has responded, and was more than willing to help and steer me in the right direction. My advice? Reach out to authors. They will help you. But the most important piece of advice I can give anyone looking to publish or self-publish, is not to rush. Take your time and do everything as it should be done. Make sure your manuscript is ready for publication. It took me almost three years to write Evanthia’s Gift. It’s a long book – 548 pages. Get a critique partner and beta readers. Their suggestions will improve your work. When you think you are done and you think you have tightened your manuscript as much as you can on your own, get a professional editor. And don’t skimp on the cover. Get a professional designer whose work you admire.
Are you working on another book project? Can you tell us a little about it?
Yes! Evanthia’s Gift is the first book in a saga. The second book will be a little different. As I stated before, Sophia is the main character of Evanthia’s Gift. Growing up, she has four lifelong friends who are vital to her. The second book will continue showing how their lives intersect, and how they pull together in a time of personal crisis. But the readers who have expressed a love for the older character’s histories and for the Greek culture should not worry. Elements of these themes will still be woven into the story.
"I hope e-readers do not replace books. I would be very sad to see bookstores disappear."
Where do you see the book market in 5 or 10 years? Will there be only eBooks and will book stores disappear like record stores disappeared?
That’s an interesting question. Ten years ago, I would not have been able to publish my book unless I somehow got an agent and publisher. The ability to self-publish has opened a door, and at the same time, it’s created more competition. There are thousands of books to choose from that might not have made it to the shelves or the e-reader.
I think the traditional publishing houses might have to rethink their model because more and more authors are self-publishing. Naturally, most authors would jump at the chance to be picked up by one of the big houses.
I hope e-readers do not replace books. I would be very sad to see bookstores disappear. I have nice memories of going to the bookstore with my daughters on a rainy day and spending hours browsing. Bedtime stories would not have been quite the same with an e-reader. There is a place and purpose for both. After years of fighting it, I relented and bought an e-reader, and I must admit, it is convenient for traveling or throwing in your bag. But I still like holding a book in my hands. I happily use both.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
My husband bought a nook for me a couple of years ago as a birthday gift. I am fine with it and I like that it shows page numbers, which the kindle does not show. My book is exclusive with kindle, so I decided to buy a Kindle Paperwhite as well. It’s smaller than my nook, but it works wonderfully in the sun. It was difficult to read the nook outside.
Do you write full-time or do you have a day job? When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
Even though I hold a degree from Hofstra University in Theater Arts, I have been working in the optical field for forty years. I work four days a week. When I come home, I am usually cooking or baking, writing my food blog, entertaining, spending time with my family and writing until late into the evening.
How can readers connect with you?
I welcome any comments or messages and I will always get back to you.
Goodreads page
Effie's Food blog
Fan contact e-mail
Thank you very much for the Interview, Effie.
About the Book Evanthia's Gift
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Click to Read an Excerpt |
The story continues in the 1970’s as Dean and Demi Papadakis, and Sophia Giannakos attempt to negotiate between two cultures. Now Greek-American teenagers, Sophia and Dean, who have shared a special connection since childhood, become lovers. Sophia is shattered when Dean rebels against the pressure his father places on him to uphold his Greek heritage and hides his feelings for her. When he pulls away from his family, culture and ultimately his love for her, Sophia is left with no choice but to find a life different from the one she’d hoped for.
- "The author’s wonderful use of language and imagery gave such clarity to each character that it is as if a movie was playing in my head. This story invoked various emotions. I caught myself gasping, crying, laughing, and screaming out loud at one particular character. Not only does this story tug at your head strings but it was enriching and educating.[...]" - Reader Review
Link to the Book
Link to the Paperback Evanthia's Gift on Amazon
Link to the eBook Evanthia's Gift on Amazon
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