5-STAR Fantasy / Sci-Fi

Thursday, September 10, 2015

New Indie Book Release: Shui Gui (Vivian Towers)

New Indie Book Release:
Shui Gui (A Water Ghost Novel) - Vivian Towers
YA Paranormal Fiction (307 pages - August 2015)

Shui Gui is about a teenager's life and battle against his soul. The novel integrates Asian mythology into the typical life of a teenage boy.

"The imagination of this story was excellent and would make a great movie targeted at adolescent and young adult audiences. I look forward to reading more from Vivian - she is an up and coming author." - Reader Review

About the Book

Shui Gui (Vivian Towers)
Click to Read an Excerpt
A Shui Gui, Chinese water ghost, attacked twelve year old Hunter Wells while swimming in a lake at a small village in Luxemburg. According to Asian folklore, Shui Guis are known to be evil water ghosts that drown humans to possess their souls. Miraculously, Hunter survives. But his survival would not be without consequence.

Unexplained night terrors and convulsions consumed his young life. After exhaustive medical testing, Hunter’s mother opted to seek the help of a Chinese Wu or Shaman who uncovered the true nature of his illness. Over time he discovered that he was robbed from his innate destiny and implanted with paranormal abilities, forcing him to endure many hardships.

At seventeen, Hunter relocated with his mom to Clear Bluff, West Virginia, where she was born. There, he met Laurel, his first love. A chain of events and web of deceit, evil and even death, forced the rise of a new and powerful Shui Gui. Hunter's great resilience and teachings proved him to be a formidable opponent. But will he be strong enough to battle against the Shui Gui’s growing and unstoppable thirst for human souls?

About the Author

Author Vivian Towers
Author Vivian Towers
Vivian Towers is a former teacher with over thirty years in Health Care Management experience.

A mother, wife and daughter, now semi-retired, she spends most of her time raising her daughter and writing fiction, young adult, new adult, and paranormal novels. She also enjoys painting in acrylic and pastels, and being involved in projects that make a positive impact in her community.

After spending almost a lifetime of travel and Corporate consulting, she discovered her true passion when she wrote a children's book based on her adoption experience. And now, there's no turning back!

Connect with Vivian Towers via the Author's Website
and on Twitter: @vtowersauthor

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