5-STAR Fantasy / Sci-Fi

Sunday, April 26, 2015

New Indie Book Release: Ghostboy, Chameleon & the Duke of Graffiti (Olivia Wildenstein)

New Indie Book Release:
Ghostboy, Chameleon & the Duke of Graffiti - Olivia Wildenstein
Young Adult Fiction (318 pages - April 2015)

Ghostboy, Chameleon & the Duke of Graffiti is a gorgeous debut novel that will resonate with the thoughtful fans of John Green’s blockbuster The Fault in Our Stars.

- "You don't have to be a young adult to enjoy this tale of friendship in difficult circumstances. It will appeal to readers of any age. The characters are attractive and the story keeps you turning the pages! It's a fast-paced, emotional tale which will warm your heart. [...] Highly recommended." - Reader Review

About the Book

Ghostboy, Chameleon & the Duke of Graffiti (Olivia Wildenstein)
Click to Read an Excerpt
Cora Matthews, the principal’s gloomy goth daughter, is not exactly popular Duke Meyer’s type. Still, Duke finds himself inexplicably drawn to her dark eyes and mysterious manner. She makes it clear she doesn’t return his admiration, but when a burst appendix lands Duke in the hospital, he and Cora will be forced to come together by the most unlikely intermediary: her eight-year-old brother, Jaime.

Duke learns Jaime has brain cancer and little chance of long-term survival. He admires the kid’s plucky positivity and wild imagination and offers to write a story about Jaime’s make-believe superheroes. So begins an epic tale—that of Ghostboy, Chameleon, and the Duke of Graffiti—and a deep friendship between Duke and Jaime.

Despite their outward differences, Cora and Duke bond over their affection for Jaime, but unintended betrayal and Jaime’s advancing disease threaten to derail their blossoming romance before it can truly take root.

About the Author

Author Olivia Wildenstein
Author Olivia Wildenstein

Olivia Wildenstein grew up in New York City, the daughter of a French father and a Swedish mother. She chose Brown University to complete her undergraduate studies and earned a bachelor’s in comparative literature. After designing jewelry for a few years, Wildenstein traded in her tools for a laptop computer.

When she’s not writing, she’s psychoanalyzing everyone she meets (Yes. Everyone.), baking up a storm, and attempting not to arrive late at her children’s school.

Wildenstein lives with her husband and two children in Geneva, Switzerland, where she’s an active member of the writing community.

Connect with Olivia Wildenstein via the Author's Website
and on Facebook.

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