Indie Author Interview with B.W. Gragg - Author of the Horror / Crime Fiction To Whisper a Kiss.
B.W. Gragg was born and raised in Sacramento, California and now resides in Hattiesburg, Mississippi with his wife and two daughters. After reading William Faulkner in high school, he knew the path of creating stories and odd characters was his calling.
Interview with B.W. Gragg
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Author B.W. Gragg |
B.W. Gragg: I have a B.S. in Psychology from The University of Southern Mississippi. I’m an avid reader and have been writing short stories, novels and poetry since I was sixteen years old. So, for the past nineteen years reading and writing have been my passions.
Who are your favorite writers, your favorite books, and who or what are your writing influences?
My favorite authors are William Faulkner, John Steinbeck, Flannery O’Connor, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Clive Barker, George Orwell and JD Salinger. My favorite books are The Grapes of Wrath, As I Lay Dying, The Catcher and The Rye and A Clockwork Orange. I try to emulate the eloquence of William Falkner, not so much in content, but in how stories are told. Both he and Steinbeck felt content was more important than rules. I feel the same way. I believe that creativity cannot be limited.
"The uniqueness of Faulkner’s style gave me confidence in my own abilities."
When did you first know that you wanted to be a writer?
I would say there were two things that effected me in this way. The first happened freshman year of English in college. I wrote an essay on The Oedipus Complex and offended my teacher to such a great extent that she gave me a failing grade on the paper. All of her comments were about the “offensive nature” of my essay. This was the first time that I realized my writing could trigger both extreme positive and negative responses. The writers I’ve always enjoyed reading can stir up emotions within. At that moment I realized I was capable of doing the same. The second thing was in English 102 the same year. I read A Rose for Emily by Faulkner. The uniqueness of Faulkner’s style gave me confidence in my own abilities. For years I was told that if I didn’t adjust my style to fit in with the expected, then I would fail. William Faulkner taught me otherwise.
Tell us about your writing process. Do you have a writing routine?
I try to write every day, even if it’s just a little bit. I prefer not to do so in the morning when my thoughts are still scattered. Sometimes when I’m in a funk and don’t feel like writing I try to read some of my favorite author’s books. That kind of gets my brain working. As far as the process goes I don’t really use outlines. Before I had my iPhone I would write thoughts that popped into my head on sticky notes. Now I use the notes section in my phone. Usually its just keywords or random thoughts I’ll want to incorporate later. I wrote my first two novels completely on pen and paper before translating them onto a computer.
"I want my endings to leave readers saying, 'Wow.'"
What do you find easiest about writing? What the hardest?
Coming up with stories comes pretty easy to me. I have a very vivid imagination. Anytime I see something I can usually think of a way to turn it into a story. The hardest part for me is the technical editing. I’m a perfectionist and I don’t like standard endings. I want my endings to leave readers saying, “Wow.” For that reason coming up with the perfect conclusion can also be a challenge.
B.W., please tell us a little about your Book ‘To Whisper A Kiss.’
This novel launches my Tom O’Conner series. Tom is a special agent with the FBI who hunts down sadistic serial killers and the like. He is a complicated character, attempting to excel at his profession and maintain normalcy in his personal life. This book explores what motivates Tom at his core. It will help readers throughout the series to better understand his psyche. On the flip side of this story we have Ryan Kaplar, a born and bred Kentucky boy, who has deep seeded abuse issues which manifest themselves in the worst way. He is our villain in this novel and plays the part well. Many of my early readers and in the reviews I’ve received, have commented on how his acts in this novel left them haunted long after the story ended. To Whisper a Kiss is a compelling horror/crime novel that delves deep to the age old debate of nature verse nurture. It will leave readers guessing until the end. The best advice my reviewers have offered is don’t read it at home alone.
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Click to Read an Excerpt |
What inspired you to write the book?
I caught en episode of the Alfred Hitchcock show when I was six years old. It was about a woman who owned a restaurant and an overzealous TV reporter who was doing everything they could to find out her mystery ingredient. That night when I lay in bed I can remember feeling sheer horror for the first time in my life. That’s where the idea first sprang from. Of course, Ryan Kaplar the butcher is much different than the old Hitchcock tale. Also, I am a big crime fiction and horror fan. I’ve grown tired of the same old cat and mouse game, where everything is predictable and the madness within the killer is skipped over or only mentioned briefly. I feel in a real cat and mouse game both sides need to be explored.
Who do you see as your target audience and where can we buy the book?
Anyone who enjoys horror or crime fiction. I’ve had reviews compare me to Nesbo, Harris and an episode of Criminal Minds, among other things. I’m not sure I would entirely agree with these comparisons, but this may help give readers an idea. The book is available on Amazon. (see Link below)
How would you describe the success of your book so far?
I have been very pleasantly surprised. Thousands have downloaded To Whisper a Kiss, many reviews are in and the novel is at 4 stars on Amazon. I hope that this continues. I look forward to introducing my work to an even wider range of readers. I believe that those who loved To Whisper a Kiss will also enjoy the sequel which has just been released. I hope that the second book is met with equal enthusiasm.
How long did it take to write the book?
This novel took about a year.
"Don’t be afraid to get your work out there. Believe in it and stand behind it."
Can you give some tips for other Indie Authors regarding the writing and publishing process?
Don’t be afraid to get your work out there. Believe in it and stand behind it. It does you no good just sitting on your computer. I let my first couple novels sit on my computer for nearly ten years and finally released one of them and have been overwhelmed with positive responses. There are many resources available to help Indie Authors that can be found with just a little research on the web. It pays to be professional. This is your livelihood, so don’t skimp where it counts. Hire a professional web designer and cover designer. Spend time on marketing. That’s time, not necessarily money. It doesn’t take much.
Are you working on another book project? Can you tell us a little about it?
This week I released the sequel to my debut novel, To Whisper a Kiss. The second novel in the Tom O’Conner series is called, The One Eyed King. Some people asked why I decided to release the novel so quickly. The short answer is, people wanted to read it. It was already complete before I put out book one and many people who read the first book were writing asking for more. The One Eyed King can also be purchased at Amazon.
How can readers connect with you?
My Website
My Facebook Page
Twitter: @BWGragg
Thank you very much for the Interview, B.W.
About the Book To Whisper a Kiss
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Click to Read an Excerpt |
A killer is on the loose and the only clues he is leaving behind are a series of wooden dolls modeled after his victims. Marsha Simmons has vanished and in her place is a doll that emits shame upon the lead agent, Tom O’Conner. Tom, a special agent in the FBI, must discover the significance of the wooden dolls while at the same time coming to terms with his estranged wife. To Whisper a Kiss takes you deep inside the mind of a sadistic serial killer known as The Manikin Man. Tom and the task force struggle to put the pieces of the case together due to a lack of physical evidence and no bodies to examine. The question becomes not only who is The Manikin Man, but what has he done with his victims?
In the end the answers to Tom’s questions become more terrifying than he ever expected and will forever change his destiny. This is a suspenseful journey into the hunt, the hunter and the hunted.
B.W. Gragg’s gruesome thrill ride puts the reader into the middle of every person’s worst nightmare.
Link to the Book
Link to the eBook To Whisper a Kiss with Excerpt on Amazon
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