5-STAR Fantasy / Sci-Fi

Monday, November 26, 2012

New Indie Book Release: The Greeks of Beaubien Street (Suzanne Jenkins)

New Indie Book Release:
The Greeks of Beaubien Street - Suzanne Jenkins -
Women's Contemporary Fiction / Crime Drama (November 7, 2012 - 368 pages)

“Suzanne Jenkins' style is to write from a compelling third person omniscient point of view which allows us to creep into the minds of all the characters."

About the Book

The Greeks of Beaubien Street (Suzanne Jenkins)
Click to Read an Excerpt
Nestled below the skyline of Detroit you’ll find Greektown, a few short blocks of colorful bliss, warm people and Greek food. In spite of growing up in a Greek household in Greektown, Jill Zannos doesn’t fit in.

A Detroit homicide detective, she manages to keep one foot planted in the traditions started by her grandparents, while dealing with crime in the city. She has an uncanny intuition, inherited from her grandmother that she secretly uses to help solve the homicide cases she is assigned to and an odd boyfriend who refuses to grow up, things that further separate her from the world.

Her story winds around tales of her family and the drama all big families generate, while she investigates a murder so despicable that even the most hardened homicide detective is sickened by the details.

The Greeks of Beaubien Street is a modern tale of a family balancing acceptance in American society with old country traditions, while holding on to archaic beliefs. They could be any nationality, but they are Greek.

- “I loved this book from the first page. It is a departure from the Pam of Babylon books, but written in the same way with the characters grabbing my attention and I wanted to keep reading to see what would happen next. I was totally taken by surprise by the twists in the book. I can hardly wait until the next one!” - Reader Review

About the Author

Author Suzanne Jenkins
Suzanne Jenkins
Suzanne Jenkins is the author of the Pam of Babylon Series.

The Greeks of Beaubien Street is a new series about a Greek homicide detective who grew up above the family grocery store in Greektown, Detroit.

Jenkins has fond memories of growing up in a Greek American household in the suburbs of Detroit.

Connect with Suzanne Jenkins via Twitter @suzannejenkins3
and the Author's Website.

★★★★★ Women's Fiction