Interview with Ruth Barrett - Author of the Supernatural Thriller Base Spirits The Book receives wonderful reviews.
Ruth Barrett was born in Pointe Claire, Quebec, and now makes her home in Stratford, Ontario. Between then and now, she studied English Literature at Trent University and the University of Leeds, and classical acting at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA). Ruth pursued an acting career in Toronto where her love of the stage saw her perform in everything from Shakespeare to sketch comedy, eventually settling into voice-over work. Transforming herself into a writer has provided a rewarding new way for her to explore character and spin tales.
Ruth has published numerous short stories in various anthologies and periodicals, and she formed her own Spirited Words Book Co. in Summer 2011. 'Base Spirits' is her first novel. For a quick creepy read, try 'Family Secrets'-- the first of many Kindle short stories. More new ghost stories are just around the corner, and the next big project is a quirky, darkly-comic mystery series-- THE DEAD DRUNKS-- set in the world-famous theatre town of Stratford. Book one 'In The Bag' is busily being written... stay tuned!
Interview with Author Ruth Barrett
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Author Ruth Barrett |
Ruth Barrett: I've been making up stories since I can remember. I studied English Literature at university, then went on to train as an actor. Writing was always more of a sideline hobby, but I took more and more interest during my early thirties and joined writing groups and associations, took some courses, and honed my skills with short stories before taking a shot at a novel. I've had quite a number of short stories published over the years.
Who are your favorite writers, your favorite book, and who or what are your writing influences?
That's like being ask to choose your favourite child! Some of my best-loved authors are: Shakespeare, Dickens, Timothy Findley, Ian McEwan, Sarah Waters, Emma Donoghue, Margaret Atwood to name but a scant few... and I can't begin to narrow down my best-loved book list! I read a lot of Stephen King and Peter Straub in my youth, so I'm sure they influenced my darker side.
"I scribble notes out longhand in notebooks..."
Tell us about your writing process. Do you have a writing routine?
There are no real set rules to how I work. I tend to go in fits and starts, depending on how demanding real life is at the time. Generally, once I get an idea, I scribble notes out longhand in notebooks or keep a file on my computer and add details as they come to me. I do a lot of noodling before I actually start any sort of structured writing... let the ideas simmer and stew in my mental crock-pot until I have enough developed stuff to work from, and only then do I start a first draft.
What do you find easiest about writing? What the hardest?
The noodling and day-dreaming out of concepts is the most pleasant. Forcing myself to sit and get through the entire first draft *without* giving in to the urge to endlessly edit and fix it as I go is tricky.
When did you first know that you wanted to be a writer?
When I first discovered books as a young child.
Ruth, please tell us a little about your debut novel 'Base Spirits'.
I've always admired novelists who take a story rooted in real history and then ask 'what if...?' That's why 'Base Spirits' is part historical novel, part ghost thriller. The true history at the core is the tragedy of a Yorkshire noble family in 1605: Sir Walter Calverley's wild habits drove him to financial ruin, and in a fit of rage and despair, he set about killing everyone rather than damn them to live in penury. The Calverleys' ancestral Old Hall is central to my book, and the actual site is now available as a holiday rental. But what happens when an unhappy married couple arrives for a stay and stirs up the dust of marital discord? Could the echoes of the past rise and invade their present? Clara's husband Scott goes from being merely possessive to spiritually possessed, and Clara herself becomes hopelessly trapped within the ancient walls... forced to bear witness to a young family's bloody destruction at the hands of mad Sir Walter.
In its day, the Calverley scandal was so widely known that Shakespeare's company The King's Men wrote and performed A Yorkshire Tragedy for a captivated London audience. My novel is a sort of play-within-a-play... and only one player will survive.
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Click to Read an Excerpt |
What inspired you to write the book?
In my acting days, I portrayed the wife in A Yorkshire Tragedy. I had the opportunity of visiting Yorkshire during the rehearsal period, and discovered that Calverley Old Hall was still standing. I met and befriended the local village historian who gave me a tour and a copy of his book about the murders. I guess you could say I walked in the shoes of my true-life character until I became fascinated with the sad tale. Writing the novel was my way of further exploring all the research and giving it new life.
"Ghost stories are timeless."
Who do you see as your target audience and where can we buy the book?
I get a lot of horror lovers as readers, but it's not the typical blood-splattered zombie type of horror that seems so popular these days. Ghost stories are timeless. Because of the strong historical elements, I would like to reach more readers of that genre... and to widen my UK reader base would be wonderful!
Base Spirits is available on Amazon [see Links below] as Paperback and eBook and on Smashwords for all other eReader formats.
How would you describe the success of your book so far?
Success should never be equated purely with sales. Although I consider that I am a writer with honed skills and present a professional polished novel, I am NOT a polished marketing expert (insert bitter laugh here)! Sales are slowly and steadily on the rise, and word-of-mouth is something I depend on to reach more readers. The Amazon reviews overall are excellent and I encourage folks to have a look... and also to leave their own reviews should they enjoy 'Base Spirits'.
How long did it take it to write the book?
I stopped and started a few times over the course of nearly 10 years-- and was greatly discouraged along the route by the ways of the traditional publishing process. I re-wrote and edited a lot before I ended up with the version I published. Real life interfered quite a bit and the book had to be shelved a number of times as a result.
Please, tell us where you self-published the book.
At Kindle, Createspace for Amazon, and Smashwords. The links are all mentioned above.
"The actual self-publishing is the easy part"
How smooth went the self-publishing process? Any issues? What are things to look for when self-publishing a book?
Once I'd decided to go ahead and take the plunge, I enjoyed the process of finalizing the manuscript and getting it ready. The actual self-publishing is the easy part. The real work is getting a truly good book written and polished, and also the endless promotion and marketing.
Did you hire an editor and/or Cover Designer for your book?
Of course. No one is good enough to edit their own work. No one. If you are self-publishing, you absolutely must approach everything in a professional way. YOU are solely responsible. It's your name on the cover. You owe it to yourself and your prospective readers to present the best work you can. NEVER skimp on editing. Covers count for a lot, too. It's your one chance to grab attention as folks skim through pages of thumbnail-sized cover art.
"NEVER skimp on editing. Covers count for a lot, too."
Can you give some tips for other Indie Authors regarding the writing and self-publishing process?
I think I've already covered it, but don't ever rush to get a book out for the sake of getting published. Good writing takes time. It's not a race, and it's not a competition. Be patient. Work hard. Read a lot. Use an editor.
Are you working on another book project? Can you tell us a little about it?
I've started a quirky, character-driven mystery series called The Dead Drunks. The books are all set in my town of Stratford, Ontario, and my two amateur sleuths are Stratford Festival wigmaker Teddy, and ex-cop Winston. There's also a flatulent British bulldog named Hotspur. Right now, I'm writing the first draft of book one, 'In The Bag'.
Are you planning to move forward as an Indie author or are you looking forward to have one of your next books to be traditionally published?
I don't think I have to choose one way or the other, do I? Things are evolving a great deal in publishing these days. I think I'd like to be a 'hybrid' author. Some projects may well do better with a more traditional sort of structure, and others may flourish in the Indie world.
"Books will always exist."
Where do you see the book market in 5 or 10 years? Will there be only eBooks and will book stores disappear like record stores disappeared?
Books will always exist. E-books are not a replacement-- they are simply a different way to read. Book stores are struggling and will be forced to adapt in order to survive. I love independent book stores, and do my best to support them.
Do you write full-time or do you have a day job?
I write all the time! My day job is writing descriptive TV and film scripts for the visually impaired. I also have a gig providing live audio description at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival.
How can readers connect with you?
[See Links below].
Thank you very much for the Interview, Ruth.
About the Book Base Spirits
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Click to Read an Excerpt |
Some crimes are so horrific, they reverberate through the centuries.
As an unhappy modern couple vacation in the guesthouse at Calverley Old Hall, playwright Clara, and her scholar husband, Scott, unwittingly awaken a dark history. Clara is trapped and forced back in time to bear witness to a family’s bloody saga. Overtaken by the malevolent echoes, Scott is pushed over the edge from possessive husband to wholly possessed…
‘Murder has took this chamber with full hands
And will ne’er out as long as the house stands.’
~A Yorkshire Tragedy, Act I, Sc. v
Inspired by a true-life drama in Shakespeare’s day, this is itself a play within a play: a supernatural thriller with a historical core.
Links to the Author and the Book
Link to the Author's Blog
Link to the Author's Facebook Page
Connect with Ruth Barrett on Twitter: @LadyCalverley
Link to the eBook Base Spirits on Amazon with Excerpt
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