Featured Indie Book on Indie Author News: Science Fiction Adventure Alien Blue by DeAnna Knippling
The Book has been self-published via the author's own imprint WonderlandPress on Amazon CreateSpace (Paperback), and KDP Select (eBook) - 360 pages, released in February 2012.
Alien Blue is a SF Novel inspired by Spider Robinson and Kurt Vonnegut, mostly. The author thinks the only puns that ended up surviving edits were the names of the beers (like "A Hard Day's White" and "Old Man Pilsner--Take your Pils!") and a couple of insults ("kookier than a snickerdoole...more out of kilter than a naked Scotsman").
About the Book
Bill Trout didn’t set out to get involved with aliens. He just wanted to run his damned brewery and heal up from being abandoned by his ex-wife.
But that isn't the way things worked out, and now he has some bodies to bury, an alien kid who’s wanted for murder—mass murder—to hide, and a planet to save. Bill won't go down easy.
Fortunately, the aliens, who are a blue ooze that takes over your body and are real hard to kill, have no tolerance for alcohol. So now Bill has a new beer on tap: Alien Blue. He just has to be careful who he serves it to.
Reviews (Excerpts)
- "[...] this is a fun read for all those looking to learn of aliens, well-crafted boutique ale, and the mystery of why so many tourist seem to disappear in the backwoods of New Mexico. I heartily recommend this for those of you looking for something really new." - Richard Bamberg (Amazon)
- "[...] I think Knippling is an author capable of writing a masterpiece - I'm not kidding, she's really that good at rustling words. She's proven she can skillfully write within sub-genres of genre novels (she's also the author of a ZOMBIE BOOK) - and other works[...]" - Ken Korczak (Amazon)
- "[...] is written in such a great style that I couldn't put it down, even if aliens came down." - J.A. Kazimer (Amazon)
The Book has received already a couple of reviews and is averaging 4 out of 5 Stars.
About the Author

She has her own small press for ebooks and PODs at Wonderland Press, and puts up all kinds of writing advice at her blog-site.
DeAnna has published several short stories, one of which got an honorable mention in Ellen Datlow's The Year's Best Horror, Vol 3., and she has a pick-your-path novel for young adults out, Choose Your Doom: Zombie Apocalypse from Doom Press, as well as multiple adult and middle-grade titles through Wonderland Press.
Among other things, DeAnna Knippling is a freelance ghostwriter. She takes clients’ ideas, research, and stories and turns them into books. She has been a freelance writer for six years, with experience in fiction, games, ghostwriting and newsletter writing and has eight years of professional technical writing/editing experience. She has edited hundreds of reports, briefs, procedures, memos, minutes.
Links to the Author and the Book
Link to DeAnna Knippling's Website
Connect with DeAnna Knippling via Twitter @dknippling
Link to the Book Alien Blue with Excerpt on Amazon
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