The Realm of the Hungry Ghosts, a cross-genre supernatural literary thriller, is the story of a family and group of friends—quite a dissatisfied lot, in many regards—who find their individual need to take more from life gradually unraveling the fabric of the world around them (in a very literal way). The author wanted to explore the whole concept of dissatisfaction and how we, culturally, individually, and constantly feel the need to strive for more.
The Book has been self-published (GWP Publishing) via Lightning Source and is available as eBook or Paperback (416 pages).
About the Book
For Sonny Moore, writer and family man, chance discovery and the force of untethered past are about to impact on his life in ways both unimaginable and profound.
Faced with events he cannot explain, and those he does not even wish to contemplate, his world and the worlds of those closest to him spiral down into a realm of need and hurt, where ghosts walk - and occasionally resemble those closest to him.
Reviews (Excerpts)
- "A book that refuses to be comfortably straight-jacketed into one genre, The Realm of the Hungry Ghosts takes the reader into a complex supernatural thriller that, at its heart, reveals a satisfying, thoughtful literary novel. Murning is a storyteller from the old school, where language and character are paramount, and the cast of characters take us from past to present, through love, suspicion and finally to resolution. Lyrical and thought-provoking, this is a novel to be savored." - Ruth Dugdall
- "[...] I can say that, as with Gary Murning's other books, you engage with the characters immediately, and come to care about them, and what happens to them...and, my goodness, such a lot happens to them! This novel is brilliantly written in Murning's no-nonsense style. He doesn't shy away from controversial subjects, but treats them in a matter of fact, wholly believable, way without sensationalizing an act or event. It is also a rather astute description of the human psyche in as much as "Hungry Ghosts" are driven by intense emotional needs, and are always striving for more, never satisfied with or appreciating what they actually have. [...] " - ElaineSP (Amazon)
- "[...] Gary Murning always seems to come up with original and highly enjoyable books. This is no exception -- even though it is not for the faint-hearted at times!" - D. R. Greene (Amazon)
About the Author

Gary was born with a form of Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and while he has never thought of himself as a “disabled writer” it is nevertheless fair to say that his disability has in many ways contributed to his fairly unique perspective.
Links to the Author and the Book
Link to Gary William Murning's Website
Connect with Gary William Murning via Twitter @garymurning
Link to the Book The Realm of the Hungry Ghosts on Amazon
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