Featured Indie Book on Indie Author News: Children's Fantasy Nimpentoad by Joshua and Harrison Herz (together with their Father Henry L. Herz.
Bill Maus and Sean Eddingfiled are the Illustrators of this Fantasy Book which received excellent Reviews. (On Amazon 26 out of 26 Five-Star Reviews!)
This Book was co-written and promoted by two young kids. Henry's boys have conducted numerous public readings and signings of our book, including at San Diego elementary schools, libraries, YMCAs, farmer's markets, and book stores. They have become quite proficient public speakers.
Nimpentoad has been self-published via CreateSpace and is available as Paperback on Amazon, B&N, the Authors' Website, and some Bookstores in the San Diego Area.

Reviews (Excerpts)
- "Nimpentoad is a work of love...for fantasy. And its clear from the first paragraph: Henry, Josh, and Harrison Herz take the inspiration from the best in the genre...to wonderful effect.
Geared towards the 6-10 year old set, Nipentoad is an appropriate work to introduce younger readers to fantasy tropes...and the lessons therein? Not "beat you over the head" in their delivery, but wonderful food for thought and discussion." - Musa Awan (Amazon)
Geared towards the 6-10 year old set, Nipentoad is an appropriate work to introduce younger readers to fantasy tropes...and the lessons therein? Not "beat you over the head" in their delivery, but wonderful food for thought and discussion." - Musa Awan (Amazon)
- " What a wonderful way to get carried away to another time, another universe, one which is so unique and diverse! An awesome job of drawing the reader in to the mythical land and creatures, and all their funny ways. I read this to my three children who were all captivated by the niblings, the youngest of which was quite enamoured with Nimpentoad. I highly recommend this great book that can enjoyed by young and old alike. " - Three4me (Amazon)
- "The artwork was the first thing that inspired me to pick up this book - the illustrations are beautiful! I read Nimpentoad with my two kids, and they loved it too and wonder what other adventures the fuzzy creatures will have in the future. When they learned that it was written by a Dad and his two kids, they were completely inspired that something like that was possible!" - Truman (Amazon)
Book Description
Nimpentoad is the tale of a courageous and resourceful little Nibling who leads his tribe through the perilous Grunwald forest, overcoming obstacles and encountering strange creatures along the way.
Nimpentoad is an engaging story with fantastic illustrations, and positive lessons of teamwork, creativity, perseverance and leadership.
Excerpt of the Book:
A long time ago, all kinds of fantastic creatures lived in the ancient, shadowy, and mysterious Grunwald Forest. These creatures came in various shapes, sizes, and colors. Unfortunately, most of them were not very nice. They would tease each other, play tricks on each other, fight with each other, steal things from each other, and sometimes, if they were really hungry, even eat each other (yuck)! This was really bad for the smaller creatures, because the larger creatures would boss them around, take their toys, or have them for dinner!
The smallest of the creatures in Grunwald Forest were called Niblings. Niblings are skinny and short - about waist-high to an adult human. I don't think they picked that name - I think the Goblins picked it for them. Because Niblings were the smallest and weakest, they didn't have a lot of toys or even clothes. They had no armor to defend themselves, and not much in the way of weapons either - mostly sticks and rocks. So, to avoid getting picked on (or picked up), the Niblings would spend a lot of time hiding under bushes, and growing their own food to eat. They loved berries and mushrooms. When they had to go somewhere, they would travel in groups to look out for each other.
About the Authors

With design help from their dad, they started three web-based businesses selling LEGO party favors, custom cast bases for Warhammer, and painted concrete yard sculptures.
Henry Herz’s love of the fantasy genre began in elementary school with “Where the Wild Things Are” and “The Lord of the Rings,” and continued by playing Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer. Struck by inspiration one day, Henry began a fun project with his two bright young sons, who share his joy of entering the magical realms of fantasy. Together, they wrote this tale. By day, Henry is a management consultant who also teaches after school enrichment for elementary school children.
Henry Herz: "We are (distant) relatives of Madeleine L'Engle, whose book 'A Wrinkle in Time' was just ranked #3 on the top 100 children's books of all time by Scholastic's Parent & Child Magazine. Writing must be in the DNA!"