Featured Indie Book on Indie Author News is a Gen.Fiction/Romance Short Novel The Living Room by Bill Rolfe. The Book has been self-published via LTD Publications and is available as Paperback (142 pages, 42,500 words) or as eBook for Kindle on Amazon or at the Author's Website.
A Novel of Life, Death, Love - and Miracles
Book Description
Daniel’s dedication to his career, fueled in part by a tragic loss during his childhood, has made him a successful and sought after professional working in New York. His drive to the top however, hasn’t been without sacrifices to his personal life, or lack thereof.
Alone and feeling unfulfilled without a partner to share in his achievements, he begins to wonder if this is all there is for his life.
Alone and feeling unfulfilled without a partner to share in his achievements, he begins to wonder if this is all there is for his life.
The revelation that a distant relative who was unknown to him, has passed on, sparks a life changing journey that helps him realize answers to his self reflection, and discover more about his soul.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What would you give of yourself to help a child you just met?
Do you believe in Miracles?
About the Author

He got up, sat at his desk and spent the rest of the night writing everything down. Never having written anything before, he took the next few weeks to follow the instructions from the dream - share the story in a novel.
After a few months of being inspired by the story, but at the same time feeling overwhelmed with the project, Bill put it away. However, he couldn't forget it.
The Living Room was his dream.
"Now, after more than nine years of struggling with the process and battling against my own self-doubt, I'm ready to share the story. I just want to share the story I had in a dream and hopefully have people enjoy whatever interpretation of hope and inspiration they find in the story. I will be donating proceeds from my sales this year to the Make A Wish Foundation and hope to Adopt A Wish within the year." - Bill Rolfe
What others say
"5 Stars Inspirational & Exceptionallly moving, Feb 1 2012 - I started The Living Room and could hardly put it down, as I read it totally took me by surprise, just an exceptional read. Very well written story that keeps you interested the whole book through and like a great movie ( which it should be) keeps you wanting for the next book. I am so impressed And just WOW, it will make you cry, and believe in miracles and love. The impact one person can have in a lifetime ... Really truly very impressed!" - Linda Gardiner-Methot --Amazon.ca Customer Reviews
Valerie Peterson, Book Publishing Guide: "I admire your persistence, Bill and thanks so much for sharing your story. Stephenie Meyer, the author of the Twilight series had never written until she had a dream about a girl talking to a vampire, and felt the need to get the story down on paper, so you're in bestselling company. Congratulations on the publication, especially after nine years and after doing it all yourself."
Links to the Author and the Book
Link to The Book's Website
Connect with Bill Rolfe on Twitter: @LivingRoomStory
Link to the Book The Living Room with Excerpt on Amazon
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