Reviews (Excerpts)
- "When I first started reading Leandra's Enchanted Flute, I was immediately drawn in by the lovely writing. I don't want to give away too much, but suffice it to say that the character of Leandra is so well drawn, I felt as if I were right there in the room with her [...]" - Journey (Amazon)
- "This is a great middle-grade fantasy. [...] Katy is a cancer survivor who brings her experience to the story, as well as her excellent writing." - Megan Willome
- "Leandra's Enchanted Flute is a wonderful and inspiring story. It is very well written with descriptions that put you in the scene along with Leandra. I recommend this book for all ages [...]" - Robert O. Norris
Book Description
Fourteen-year-old flutist Lee Ann Graves is a survivor. She spent the long days of chemotherapy listening to the song of a Carolina wren. One day he reveals himself as Songcatcher, a talking bird from the magical realm of Finian Jahndra—a land in danger of being consumed by a deadly canker that only she can truly understand.
Lee Ann is transported to Finian Jahndra where the animals call her by her real name—Leandra. She is restored to health and her flute transformed by what magic is left in the world. But as she searches for the source of the canker, the malignant forces take their toll, not only on the land, but on Leandra’s physical and mental well-being. With the help of her new bird friends and an arrogant human prince, Leandra must find a way to heal a land she has learned to love before it is too late.
About the Author

Katy wrote Navajo Code Talkers: Native American Heroes (as Catherine Jones) for a small press specializing in the school and library market, but it sold many more copies than the publisher ever dreamed because she developed a multi-media presentation which she gave to schools, clubs, and bookstores.
Cancer derailed Katy temporarily beginning in 2004, but while undergoing nuclear-strength chemo in 2005 her poetry muse came alive, and for a time she wrote prolific amounts of it.
Then in 2006 Katy had an idea to make Mozart's Magic Flute story accessible to kids (Katy is a symphony flutist/piccoloist), but the resulting story took on a life of its own and became Leandra's Enchanted Flute. It's a fantasy adventure that will appeal to anyone age 10 and up, but it's also very much like the journey a cancer patient takes and will help those who have never had it understand what patients are going through, both physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Katy Huth Jones about being an Indie Author: "I love being an indie author. My first experience with a small press in the late 90's made me realize that I could follow my dream best with these independent publishers who have a passion for getting quality books into the hands of readers, publishing the books that readers want to read, not just trying to figure out what's going to be the next "blockbuster" that will make their stockholders happy."
About the Publishing Process: "In the "olden days" it could take a very long time to mail in a manuscript, wait to hear from the editor, wait for the edited manuscript to arrive in the mail, wait for the galley proofs, wait for the book to be printed. Working with Cool Well Press has been so lightning fast it makes my head spin! I emailed the book (following their submission guidelines exactly), and within a week received an email acceptance (a new record for me). Two rounds of edits (via email) with my assigned editor, then one more round with the line editor, waiting a little longer for the cover art, and in less than three months, Leandra's Enchanted Flute was published as an e-book."
About 'how readers can connect' with Katy: "I LOVE hearing from readers! I am on Twitter and Facebook as Katy Huth Jones, have a website with a blog and they can email me. My favorite part of being a children's/YA author is school visits. My goal is to inspire students to see the joy of reading and the unlimited possibilities in their own writing."
Links to the Author and the Book
Link to Katy Huth Jones's Website
Connect with Katy Huth Jones via eMail:
Link to the eBook Leandra's Enchanted Flute on Amazon
Katy, you are so amazing. I'm very excited about your new E-book. It was great to have time to get to know you better last summer during drum camp. You should feel at about how things have fallen into place with the book. You are soooooo much more than a survivor. I know the loss of your father was huge. How sweet our heavenly Father is in His perfect timing I in the book publishing and a precious new life to celebrate at the same time. Enjoy these rapturous moments if life!
Thank you, Dottie! You are so right--there is much to be grateful for, including Danny's excellent drum instruction. :) I'm hoping Leandra's story will touch many lives....
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