Featured Indie Book on Indie Author News: Business Non-Fiction Revelations Incorporated - The Disturbing Truth of the Business World & Workplace Culture by Brian Ray.
Revelations Incorporated - The Disturbing Truth of the Business World & Workplace Culture is the author’s attempt to wake up students and the wider business world to the fact that things must be done differently. His gripping new book tells the truth of what really goes on in business; truths that no course will ever teach.
The Book has been self-published via Amazon CreateSpace and is available as eBook and Paperback - 122 pages - released in April 2014.
About the Book
Ever wonder how business really operates? Why Management makes the decisions that it does? How do some people get away with bad behavior at work while others don’t?
Well the answer is that Business is a sociopathic beast. Virtually everyone working in business knows it, but few individuals are willing to admit it, and even fewer are willing to discuss it. This is the “elephant in the room” for every company & corporation, no matter what industry they operate within.
Dealing with these environments can be extremely difficult and stressful if an individual is unprepared. That is where this book can help.
This book is a guide to the truth of many business topics that are rarely discussed in training programs or school/college textbooks. It takes an objective look at the illusions that are perpetuated by companies and corporations, and the reality behind them. It also offers many techniques to deal with these scenarios, and provides the insight needed to see through the self-serving motivations of those activities.
Some of these topics include: The Ego of Corporations, How Companies Manipulate their Workforce, Bullying in the Workplace, Management Indifference, Client & Customer Vendettas, Maintaining Balance & Principles...and many more!
Click to Read an Excerpt |
Brian Ray: “Let me be frank here, the attitudes and illusions in business today have turned it into an unsustainable monster. Students are not taught the realities behind these illusions, and with workers plus their respective companies suffering, something has to be done to shake things up. That’s why I wrote this book with a direct, honest tone, then added just a splash of humor – to break the silence, expose the truth and fire up a catalyst for enlightened change.
It all begins with companies creating environments of fear and control; something many business graduates learn the hard way, with no prior warning. After showcasing the true fabric of the business world, I share proposed techniques and solutions for resolving many of the issues. With two-plus decades in business I am able to share many different perspectives and hope they’ll resonate with readers across every industry. The time is now, and I firmly believe that both our current and next-generation business leaders can champion this change if they understand then embrace the truth.”
About the Author
Author Brian Ray |
Currently he is also a contributing writer/blogger to - The CEO Magazine.
Link: http://blogs.the-ceo-magazine.com/blog/brianray
Additionally, he is a Public Speaker/Corporate Trainer specializing in promoting positive changes in business and people.
Links to the Author and the Book
Connect with the Author via eMail: brian.ray-consult@hotmail.com
Connect with the Author on Twitter: @BrianRay40
Link to the Paperback Revelations Incorporated on Amazon with Excerpt
Link to the eBook Revelations Incorporated on Amazon with Excerpt
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